Sunday, July 14, 2013

6 Years of Wedded...

I know normally you would put "Bliss" at the end of that statement, but according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (online of course, I didn't go actually find an actual physical book, stop being crazy!), Bliss is defined as - 1: complete happiness 2: paradise, heaven.  That seems a bit crazy to me, and a lot to live up to, so I've decided there HAS to be a better word to put in there.  Also have you noticed that all of the fairy tales end at the wedding or prior to it?  Like that's it, all the happiness is over, now its just on to boring nothing that isn't even worth putting into the story.  I think that after the wedding is a completely different to, a whole different life that has its own crazy ups and downs.  

6 years, sometimes 6 years sounds like a long time, but really its just a small fraction of our life together (notice I said life as in single not as in plural, because we have one life, not two separate lives, we are a unit).  I love that I have someone to share the laughs, stress, mess, and craziness with, every day.  Ryan King is 100% my other half.  While I am the most impatient, he exudes patience.  He is the quickest to forgive, when I am stubborn, pig-headed and can hold grudges even when I forget why.  When I am anxious, stressed and grumpy, is calm and collected, even when he gets the brunt of my anger and doesn't deserve it.  I don't think anyone else can deal with my crazy. 

SO that brings us back to 6 Years of Wedded.....????  I've decided on Complement, 6 Years of Wedded Complements, I'm sure it isn't grammatically correct, but I don't even care (stop judging me you grammar obsessive people!) Complement- 1: something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect 2: one of two mutually completing parts.  No, I am not saying that we have a perfect marriage, we fight and drive each other crazy like everyone else, but I think I am married to the perfect man for me, and as cheesy as it sounds I think we complete each other, and make each other better.

To My Husband:
There are so many things I should say to you every day, and I don't, and since I type better than I talk... here they are.

I still Adore you.
I Respect you, more than you will ever know.
You can still take my breath away.
You make me feel like the luckiest girl ever, by loving the girls and me unconditionally and being such a rock for all of us.

Happy Anniversary Love!

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