Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Game Changers

Hello blog world,
I hope you do not mind, but we are going to get a bit serious again.  It seems this past week was horrid, just filled with the most devastating news from all over.  None of it actually directly affected me, but every time I got wind of a new sad development, it was just gut wrenching, and I a little bit obsessed.  I 100% know why, I am a mother now, and it all had children involved.  Having kids is a game changer, not just your life, but how you feel and react to so much changes, at least for me. 

I first realized this, the last time I read Harry Potter, I read through the whole series probably every other year, and this time, instead of relating to Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, I related to the parents.  The whole time, I thought, how horrid would it be to die before you see your child grow up?  Or, I could not imagine feeling like my children were in constant peril.  Obviously Harry Potter is fiction, as far as I know, there is not a super evil wizard out there, but still, the story changed for me as I grew up and had kids of my own. 

Then, Friday happened, you all know what I'm talking about, my heart goes out to those families, even the shooters, because he was someone's child as well.  Then Saturday, my nephew had a seizure, as scary as that was, once I found it we was ok (he's feeling better!) I started thinking of my brother, sister-in-law and my nieces, how scary for them to feel so helpless while this is happening to their baby boy. 

Then yesterday, Natasha told me someone I know has stage 3 breast cancer.  This one really seemed to hit home.  Now, I am not close to Lindsey, I've only met her twice, but I like her a lot, also she is my age, and has a beautiful baby girl.  If I received this news, I don't know what I'd do, before I had kids, probably I would curl up and cower, but I feel like having children gives you a strength you never knew you could posses.  What I do know, is I would not be as courageous as this amazing, beautiful young woman.  So this is what I want you to do... read her blog, then if you happen to have a few dollars lying around, please please help her out with some medical bills.  They are a young family, and not having to be so worried about how they are going to pay for all of this, will help relieve her stress, and help heal her faster.  But above all, please keep her and her family in your prayers!

Read her blog here... no really DO IT!  You will be so glad you did! She is such an inspiration!

Help them out here....

And because they are the game changers... here are my children's faces.

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