Wednesday, October 31, 2012

More Fall Fun

Okie dokie people... here is some more fabulous fallishness.

Ryan and I decided to start the pumpkin carving tradition this year.  We also decided that one of us should do a character that Harper likes so maybe she would be more excited.  So pretty much Ryan was done with his pumpkin before I even had one of Curious George's eyes cut out.  Oh well, Harper was excited about it for about a minute.

Whitney and I also took the kids to the Remlinger harvest carnival thingy (Thanks Cortney) however when we went it was pretty darn cold and rainy, so... perhaps it didn't go quite as well as we thought it would in our heads, but we still got to spend the day with our favorite neighbors, and that is always a win!

Oscar thinks pumpkin carving is delicious

Griz was also a bit curious, Sawyer was just happy...

Betcha can't which one is mine and which is Ryan's

She doesn't care that is cold... also she is bundled up in a blanket and in a covered stroller

They don't look to thrilled to be standing in the rain, do they?

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