Monday, October 31, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Go To the Market

After a very sad flight delayment, Grandma and Grandpa Friederich got here Sunday afternoon! Luckily, we were able to get in a little bit of Pike's before the vendors started closing up.  Harper loves the market, there is so much to see, and people just keep giving her pieces of fruit!  Grandma and Grandpa picked up a lil gift for someone back home, Daddy got BBQ Humbow, and Mommy got her giant super sweet holiday grapes, which are a mouth full of juicy grapey wonderfulness. 

Because Harper has been fighting a bit of a cold, we've been pumping her full of liquids... which backfired big time when we were walking around Seattle and discovered a very wet baby and even a wet stroller... so we ran into Macy's and now Harper is the proud owner of some brightly colored striped leggings! (yes, we let her pick out her own)

Anywho, we are sooo glad that Grandma and Grandpa are in Washington this week, and also very glad we (Harper and Lonnie) are flying back to Iowa with them for a smidgen of a visit next week!!! 

Look who's here!!!

Pretty sure she was already soaked here...  

Watching Sesame Street and sharing Cheerios with Griz this morning

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